Tuesday, 9 January 2024


The Post office scandal!  We love a good scandal don’t we?  And when it’s ordinary people being shafted by an institution then little Britain is in uproar!  And rightly so.  This went on for twenty years (if you don’t know you need two minutes and Google), innocent people ended up in prison because of defective software and people at all levels of the Post office organisation covered it up.  Politicians dithered, lie piled on top of lie so certain people could continue pursuing a career while the little people were dragged through court.  But through the persistence of some of the victims who fought back eventually the wall of bullshit crumbled and the truth escaped, I had a brief recollection of celebratory scenes outside a court a year or two back.  Then it all went quiet again.  Until the other day when ITV screened a dramatization of the events and it is this is when the country went into meltdown.

This has been the headline story for the last couple of days which has given grateful politicians something to get rhetorical about but thankfully more will be done to help the victims of what is basically fraud, the very thing many of them got done for.  The former CEO of the Post Office may lose her CBE which is a bit much as most* of the people who receive these gongs are in some way fraudulent anyway.  It’s right to call these innocent people ‘victims’ because they were fucked over in clear sight by an organisation that was once owned by the state.  What concerns me is we’ve got to this point not because of the British justice system but because some TV execs saw an opportunity to make a few quid.  But at least we, or should I say ‘they’, got there.

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