Friday, 12 May 2023


Last week I had a very novel experience, for one of very few times in my life I voted for the winning side!  I was one of the many who voted the Green party into control of its first council here in Mid Suffolk.  In fact this bluest of counties no longer has a Tory council in power in any constituency, blue has been wiped off the map, which is something I never thought I’d see happen.  I hope this is the beginning of something for the Greens and not just an anti-Tory protest vote, two fingers to local MP’s like Halfcock and Coffey.  I hope enough young people have more sight and sense than their parents and realise the red vs blue politics is a failed, corrupted system that will never serve the majority of the people.  The only way to change the country is to change the way we vote.  Locally in Suffolk unregulated urban expansion has upset many, the green spaces between towns and villages is disappearing rapidly.  Also dumping sewage in the waterways has been big news, when the county’s central river turns green and stays that way for six months people get upset.

Then there was the fucking coronation.  I didn’t care either way, I didn’t watch it but the princess did, so I was fucking about on this computer, literally sat with my back turned.  A symbolic act of defiance or a happy accident?  Maybe both.  When things got really serious I made myself scarce, sorting fishing gear in the garden so my grumbling didn’t spoil things for someone with a genuine interest.  The whole shitshow is ridiculous, King by accident of birth, I mean a fucking golden carriage in a city where people sleep on the streets.  But the idea of pledging allegiance to the King?  What?  Bollocks!  No just fuck off with that, fuck off, just fuck off.

The weekend finished with the coronation concert which as a music fan did raise a glimmer of interest until I saw the line up.  It went on in the room around me and even people I don’t particularly dislike were poor, like they were trying too hard.  I let it all pass without comment until Lionel Ritchie who was appalling, somehow totally spoiling a beautiful song he wrote a lifetime ago.  I shouldn’t be surprised, what I like musically will never appear at an occasion like this but I do appreciate all types of live music if it’s done well.

And while I’m on a musical theme, Eurovision is crap.  It has always been crap and always will be.  For years it was regarded as such even by the broadcasters that covered it and the LGBT community which embraced it.  But a couple of years ago someone at the BBC decided Eurovision was cool and have been feeding that narrative ever since.  In an Orwellian shift the media is now telling us Eurovision is great and it’s always been so.  Just in case anyone is undecided, trust me Eurovision is bollocks, it has nothing to do with real music, it is and has always been total shite.  What we need is more of this…

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