Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Beware the Franks

Fucking Hancock.  The talentless cunt is still clinging onto notoriety though he’s currently on the end of a well deserved battering as his private messages have been made public.  We are being drip fed the stories which are really just confirming what many of us already knew/suspected.  Fucking Halfcock, like his former boss has absolutely no self awareness or at least no awareness of what a prick he is.  We all know people like him, many are actually decent people who achieve things in life far beyond what could be reasonably expected possible because they have no concept of how fucking ridiculous they are.  If you were around in the seventies, think Frank Spencer…

The journalist with the scoop is getting a kicking too.  Isobel Oakeshott was ghost writing Halfcock’s Covid memoirs (as if cashing in on the deaths of thousands isn’t bad enough…) when she had a crisis of conscious and decided the British public deserved to know etc.  So she betrayed Halfcock and you could almost be forgiven for feeling sorry for the annoying little wanker until you find out this is the third time Oakeshott has betrayed someone in these circumstances.  Why did he trust her?  Because he’s Frank fucking Spencer.  But the unlovable Isobel Oakeshott, what a dishonest, nasty, self centred, loathsome parasitic cunt, whatever I may think of her victims.


I’ve just finished reading “The Long Knives”, the latest novel by Irvine Welsh which is a long way from being this author’s best work but is still an entertaining read and packed full of wicked insights into twenty first century Britain.

In the week that it was rumoured that the former PM and professional liar De Pfeffel had proposed his father receive a knighthood;

“An inbred mutant class who’ve shafted us for generations, and we still have enough forelock tuggers grateful to them for doing it…”

At a time when Facebook morons are demanding Gary Lineker be sacked for comparing Tory refugee policies to those of the Nazis;

“…the masses were beaten down, stupefied and frightened by the pace of change.  Thus, driven to servile drooling by the tabloid-led power-and-status culture of reality TV, they tolerated or even worshipped, the abuses of the elites.  They had the rage of victims, but they turned this on each other or any group they perceived as being better treated than them.  And this perception was almost wholly controlled by the ruling establishment through their media.”

Returning to Frank Halfcock in his former role as Health Secretary and what he really did during the pandemic;

“The British public remains blithely unconcerned that the Tories shamelessly pilfer their tax pounds.  Indeed Rupert Murdoch and the BBC have done such a comprehensive job over the years that this is accepted with a resigned shrug…”

You might not believe this but there are still people walking among us who still trust the government, not all of them are called Frank.