Monday, 15 August 2022

And they're surprised!!

It appears there are still people left in the UK who believe what politicians say and more astounding there are people who can’t connect the state of our economy and society with forty three years of the same old shit i.e. neo lib Tory politics*.  These people say things like “I used to be a socialist but then I grew up…” and “everyone knows socialism doesn’t work”.  Wake up, open your eyes!  Capitalism doesn’t work either. 

Also there are people who cannot make a connection between rising fuel and energy prices and massive profits being paid to shareholders of fuel and energy companies.  This is a direct result of privatisation.  We were sold this by a Neo lib government who told us it would give us “choice”.  The only choice we have is who do we pay for our energy/phone/TV/every fucking thing.  The country is in the shit and this is down to forty three years of Tory capitalism*.  If you voted Tory you voted for privatisation, don’t moan about your bills, you’ve got what you voted for. There is nothing more gullible than a working class Tory.  (Definition :- if you don’t have an accountant you are working class).

We are told we live in a democracy, we don’t and we never have.  Our historic democracy was created when only the wealthy classes were allowed to vote, as recently as 1817 only 11% of the male population was allowed to vote.  As this percentage grew so our democracy has been shaped, moulded and perverted to ensure the upper class remains in control.  In 1941 George Orwell wrote; “The English electoral system, for instance, is an all-but open fraud. In a dozen obvious ways it is gerrymandered in the interest of the moneyed class.”  In the decades since things have been twisted further.

The next Prime Minister is being chosen by a tiny percentage of the population, a group of people who are either morons or corrupt.  The two candidates are both utterly unsuitable.  Rishi thinks it’s okay for his wife to evade paying tax, Truss is a total fuckwitt.  Both are self serving egomaniac bastards.  The fuckwitt will be the next PM because the uncomfortable truth is…  Rishi is just too brown for the racist Tory party.

Then we have Starmer, the most inept leader of any British political party in my lifetime.  The only explanation for him being so utterly useless is he’s doing it deliberately.  The bastard is bought and paid for, tucked up in somebody’s pocket.

*(NB  Anyone using Blair as a counter argument is a moron.)