Monday 27 May 2024

Don't vote, it only encourages them.

Six weeks now the Tory government will be finished and if the real history is recorded (but is it ever?) then this bunch of bastards will be renowned and remembered for their arrogance, recklessness, ineptitude, corruption, hypocrisy and utter dishonesty.  These people have allowed our rivers to be pumped full of shit and our taxes syphoned into their friends bank accounts.  Now the rats are literally leaving the sinking ship, ‘retiring’ in large numbers and heading back to the shelter of their pimps where they hope to live in luxury even though many of them should be heading for trial and prison.  Gove, Hancock, Dorries stand accused but their are bigger bastards hanging on and if the Tories think little Rishi is the problem then it can only mean they refuse to look in the mirror.

Any joy the Tory demise should bring is dampened by knowing the likely replacement is Keir fucking Starmer who welcomes ex Tory cowards like Poulter and Elphicke but bars true socialists like Corbyn and Abbott.  That’s all you need to know.  Starmer is owned by the Establishment just like the Tory criminals he will replace.  He will do precisely fuck all to improve the lives of ‘The Many’ and will be slaughtered by the media as they pave the way for Tories to slither back in a few years time.  As much as it hurts to say it, in the long run we’d almost be better off if the cunt loses.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  A quote attributed to Albert Einstein although this is disputed.  But whoever made this statement it’s what we all do every few years when Election time comes around again.  We pick the bastards in blue or the wankers in red then squabble amongst ourselves as if we’re backing football teams.  Whoever wins, nothing fucking changes.  And that’s the whole point, divide and conquer, it’s what politics does.  While we all argue amongst ourselves the inbred mutant class remains in control.

So why do we do it?  Because the media basically dismisses the other parties as comedy weirdos implying there are only two sensible choices and the herd blindly goes along with it?  Fuck that!  Vote for the Libs, vote Green, vote SNP, vote for the nutter with a bucket on his head and yes vote for Reform if you have a penchant for the goose step.  Just don’t vote red or blue.

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